Saturday 20 August 2011

Video : Why Can't I Get Pregnant

Millions of women ask the same question when conceiving seems impossible. Why Cant I Get Pregnant? In many cases, the answer is relatively simple and only involves a little change in lifestyle and a lot of patience. Others will need to have a doctor evaluate them for fertility problems. So, why cant I get pregnant? Read on to discover some probable explanations.

Why Can't I Get Pregnant? Here Are What You Need to Know on How and When to Get Pregnant

Why Can't I Get Pregnant? Here Are What You Need to Know on How and When to Get Pregnant

I believe in the saying which goes thus; to every problem there is always a solution. Perhaps you have been asking the question "why can't I get pregnant" or your daily cry has been "I can't get pregnant - help me get pregnant", I want you to know that your problem is solvable. Though some women find it difficult to get pregnant, others conceive without hassles. But the former could hasten their dream of giving birth to a healthy baby if they understood the factors responsible for their perceived infertility, as well as finding out how and when to get pregnant.

Talking about "how and when to get pregnant" and stop
asking the question "why can't I get pregnant", it is pertinent for the man and the woman to have a complete understanding of the four (4) different stages of a woman's menstrual cycle. They are as follows;

1. The periods
The periods, otherwise called the menses, always occur for some three to five days in every woman on a monthly basis. The menses occur as a result of the female egg not been fertilized by the male sperm. The unfertilized egg is shed in form of blood, and is passed out through the vagina.
2. The follicular phase
This is the phase where the female ovary produces fresh egg(s) after the womb has been repaired. It will take some ten to fourteen days before the eggs are released and transferred to the oviduct.
3. Period of ovulation
At this phase, the egg travels to the womb through the oviduct (fallopian tube) upon their release by the ovary, waiting to be fertilized by the male sperm. Ovulation usually occurs on some five to six days after the follicular phase.
4. Luteal phase
On the 14th day or thereabout (after the commencement of the periods), a hormone called progesterone is released by the body. What this hormone does is to ensure that the embryo is kept alive, and it also helps in sustaining pregnancy. This cycle however comes to an end on the 28th day, and the menstrual period begins again.

If you want to get pregnant fast, you need to understand the most appropriate time to have sex within this period (28 day cycle). Having sex during the ovulation period is known to be the best time to conceive. It is however advisable to maximize the fertile times from between day 10 to day 18. This is so because these times are the peak fertility period. More so, after the 18th day, the womb will start wearing out and will not be able to aid pregnancy.

In addition, to be fully aware of your most fertile times and to take full advantage of it, I advice you make use of a menstrual calendar. Furthermore, always ensure you engage in loads of sex during your fertile periods, and avoid going to the washroom immediately after sex so as not to wash the sperm away unknowingly. Relax for some 15 minutes in order to give the sperm enough room to reach the egg.

Conclusively, try to do away with substances and habits that affect your fertility. Examples include; smoking, alcohol, coffee, drug abuse, and diets that causes obesity.
Stop asking the question "why can't I get pregnant". Be positive !

Get FREE REPORT ( worth USD20 ) how to avoid 7 common mistakes and get pregnant faster at my blog. Visit Personal Path to Pregnancy

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Why Can't I Get Pregnant?

Millions of women ask the same question when conceiving seems impossible. Why Cant I Get Pregnant? In many cases, the answer is relatively simple and only involves a little change in lifestyle and a lot of patience. Others will need to have a doctor evaluate them for fertility problems. So, why cant I get pregnant? Read on to discover some probable explanations.

Certain lifestyle habits can make it difficult for a woman to conceive. Excessive alcohol, smoking, and drug use can interfere with a woman's ability to get pregnant. When conception is achieved, the pregnancy may not be carried to the full term if a woman does not change her lifestyle. A baby who is born may suffer from various complications due to these choices as well. If a woman is attempting to get pregnant, it is best to wait until these habits are broke and will not pose a risk to the unborn child.

Medical Conditions
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is one of the most common causes of fertility in women. It is estimated that 1 out of every 20 women suffer from this condition. That equates to about 5 million women who must battle PCOS to become pregnant. PCOS prevents ovulation from occurring regularly. Ovarian cysts typically result when the ovaries fail to produce the hormones needed to create a viable egg. The cysts prevent regular ovulation, which can lead to irregular menstrual cycles and infertility.

Endometriosis is another medical condition that plagues women. Endometriosis is the term used when a woman's endometrial tissue that normally grows inside the uterus extends outside the uterus. The tissue inside the uterus would normally break down and be released during the menstrual cycle. The endometrial tissue outside the uterus acts in the same way but there is no way for the body to release the tissue. The tissue remains and can cause pain and scar tissue. The scar tissue can cause infertility.

There are treatments for each of these conditions. Many women are able to have successful pregnancies after being treated. Prescription medications are frequently used to regulate the hormones which aid in ovulation. Doctors may need to perform minor surgery to remove any cysts from the ovaries that are impeding the ovulation process.

The next time the question Why Cant I Get Pregnant is raised, it is a good idea to consider all of these points.

If you want to get pregnant fast and naturally and give birth to healthy children without drugs or surgical procedures, Personal Path to Pregnancy can help you to conceive naturally in record time. Get it now !! Personal Path to Pregnancy

Best Ways To Conceive

The best ways to conceive understanding your reproductive cycle, understanding conception positions and paying attention to your overall health. Getting pregnant and pregnancy is a wonderful event that is complex, satisfying and exciting. Here are seven best best ways to conceive:

1. Know your most fertile time - generally, ovulation occurs about 14 days before your next period begins. So if your cycle is a 28-day one, that could make day #14 your most fertile (day #1 is the first day that your last period began). If yours is a 30-day cycle, day #16 could be the time to go for it.

2. Track your basal body temperature - you'll need an inexpensive basal thermometer to chart the slight elevations in your body temperature upon awakening each day that signal your fertile time.

3. Watch for cervical mucus - this can be one of the best tips on getting pregnant since ovulation causes a change in the appearance and consistency of cervical mucus. By checking yourself each day, you'll be able to see the 'egg-white-like' vaginal discharge that indicates ovulation and fertile time.

4. Have sex using the missionary position - the time-proven 'man-on-top' position works with gravity to encourage semen flow toward the uterus to maximize the chance of a sperm uniting with the egg and causing conception. One of the related best tips on getting pregnant is -- after ejaculation, the woman can remain on her back with her legs bent a few minutes to further maximize semen flow toward the uterus.

5. Eliminate smoking and alcohol - not only will doing so benefit your health, when you do become pregnant, you'll not expose the developing fetus to the harmful effects of smoking and alcohol.

6. Take the best vitamin/mineral/nutritional supplement you can find - taking one of the cheap one-a-day vitamins is probably a waste of time and money. Vitamins and minerals are just the beginning. Taking a high-quality, broad-spectrum nutritional supplement helps fill in the dietary gaps that everyone will have. The body needs and will use nutrients such as amino acids, antioxidants, bioflavanoids, neuronutrients, enzymes and other nutrients such as L-Carnosine, alpha lipoic acid, acetyl L-Carnitine and so on.

7. Adopt a healthy lifestyle - this is one of the most important best tips on getting pregnant. Healthy living includes having a sensible diet with nutritional supplements, adequate quality sleep, managing stress, reasonable exercise and weight management.

And finally, just relax and enjoy your partner. Trying too hard is not one of the recommended best tips on getting pregnant.

Your desire to know the best ways to conceive and having that special child will have even more significance to you if it means you'll be taking better care of yourself and your partner. Not only does that mean a more healthy you, it also means you'll increase the chances of having a healthier baby.

Monday 15 August 2011

How to Get Pregnant Easy & Faster : Simple Tips to Help You Conceive Faster

If you have decided it is time to start your family, then congratulations! You are taking a path that is very noble and it will be a very fun adventure. Now, you probably want to know how to get pregnant easy and you want it to happen pretty quickly. There are some things that can be controlled and some that cannot. Here are some tips to help you.

First tips how to get pregnant easy and faster, if you have been taking birth control, and you are obviously stopping, you need to know that it can take as long as 18 months for you to be in an optimal position to conceive a child after birth control. It can also happen very quickly and birth control is only 99% effective because you can actually conceive while taking it so you are probably looking at anywhere from 2 months to 18 months or longer.

Second tips how to get pregnant easy and faster, you need to know that there are things you can do to increase your odds of getting pregnant faster. You can start by picking up a guide online or in your local bookstore that is filled with different secrets to help you conceive faster. Now if you go to the bookstore they will probably not let you return the book if it does not help, but with an online guide you get a full money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

Third tips how to get pregnant easy and faster, you can start by tracking your ovulation. This will give you optimal chances each month to get pregnant and is not a hard thing to do. There are a handful of ways to do this including ovulation tests and trackers. You want to make sure you have intercourse on the days you are ovulating and if you do this you will give yourself a better chance of actually getting pregnant.

Last tips how to get pregnant easy and faster, you need to know the best ways to increase your ovulation period and to increase your chances of conception. Sure pregnancy is something we can't completely control, but that does not mean you cannot give your body the best possible chance to conceive and you can do this by learning how to get pregnant easy.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Preparing To Get Pregnant

Almost every woman is blessed with the capacity to bear a child at least once in her lifetime. It is considered to be one of the greatest gifts that a woman can give her husband. Bearing a child would make the couple more closer together, and at this certain point in their lives they can actually call themselves a family. Upon learning that the woman is pregnant, most couples enthusiastically start planning for her preparing to get pregnant and eventual childbirth.

When talking about preparing to get pregnant, it is important to know about preconception issues regarding on giving birth. A check up with the physician or midwife would be advisable for the woman in order to face facts on childbirth. Physical preparation is needed for giving birth, since this could really change the normal function of the woman's body. A caregiver would be helpful in preparing the woman's body in conceiving, and also impart information concerning potential problems in pregnancy. Anxiety is felt at this point, since the woman would really have to follow certain precautions in order to conceive a healthy baby. By seeking advice regarding on preconception, safety, lifestyle changes, vitamins, and the importance of folic acid, the woman could really prepare for giving birth.

In preparing to get pregnant, a change in the woman's lifestyle is needed. Smoking cigarettes is a definite no-no, and also the consumption of alcohol. These addictions can affect the health of both the woman and her unborn baby. A woman might need to lose or gain weight, according to her present weight relative to her height and build. Being too fat or too thin might bring complications for both the woman and the baby. A good start in preparing for childbirth would be to establish a fitness regime for the period of the pregnancy. Asking the physician about nutrition and working out would be recommended for possible questions regarding exercise and food intake.

Learning more about the woman's body while on the early stages of giving birth is essential for proper knowledge of the situation. Various parts of a woman's body have specific roles when it comes to pregnancy. Certain disorders from both prospective parents should be discussed with the physician for additional health background information. Anxiety and stress is also felt by the couple since this is a very critical stage for the woman. Preconception stress is normal in women about to give birth, considering factors such as scheduling, sexuality, and self esteem, among many others.

When preparing to get pregnant, the couple should be confident enough to know how to handle a child. Knowledge of early pregnancy symptoms are also important since these are signs that giving birth would happen in due time. When the couple feels that they are ready, then a visit to the Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OBGYN) would help in gleaning more information on pregnancy. At this point, the couple can make use of a pregnancy calendar in order to follow the due course of giving birth.

Anxiety is often felt by women when they know that they are pregnant. Feelings of worry and tension are usual signs that shows her being anxious about giving birth. But by spending time with your husband, regular visits to the OBGYN, finding time to relax and unwind, with good exercise, anxiety should not be a problem at all. All you have to worry about is what to name the baby?

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Simple Tricks To Getting Pregnant Faster

Simple Tricks To Getting Pregnant Faster

You may found the solution for your problem because this article will help you on simple and simple tricks to getting pregnant faster. If you're like most women, you have most likely spent a good portion of your adult life demanding not to get pregnant. And you have possibly expected lots of information from a mixture of resources (friends, people, school) on just how to accomplish this. I'm confident you imagined that when the time came that you actually wanted to acquire pregnant, it would be quite an undemanding task. That instructions on getting pregnant would be the last thing you would require. Basically stop using any precautions, ie. birth organize, and that should perform it!

Well, as it turns out, it is not forever so easy. Yet most women have much more expertise about how to keep away from getting pregnant than how to really get pregnant. You probably never thought you would require any information on getting pregnant, but the fact is it might not "just happen" unless you get some good information first.

If you inquire your friends for guidelines on getting pregnant, most will just tell you to have a lot of sex. This is absolutely a good start, but the number one inaccuracy that couples make when trying to get pregnant is inappropriate timing of intercourse. One of the biggest explanations that happens is because many women have the mistaken plan that they ovulate on day 14. This is a myth that has been perpetuated because most examples of an ideal menstrual cycle use a model of 28 days, in which case it is likely you would ovulate around day 14--but not undeniably. However, many women act not have a perfect 28 day cycle, it can range from 24 days to 35 days or even a bit more or less. So you must never believe that you ovulate on day 14--that is one of the best instructions and tricks to getting pregnant faster with simple and natural method that you could ever get.

So how perform you figure out when you achieve actually ovulate? Well, there are quite a lot of methods that can help you achieve this. One approach is using a basal body thermometer and take your temperature each morning upon waking and keep a record for numerous months. You will start to see a sample that displays a slight shift up in the temperatures each month. At the point that your temperature shifts up, you have just ovulated. Keeping this chart for a few months will give you a very good proposal as to the approximate time of month that you in fact ovulate.

Another thing you can accomplish is check your cervical mucus throughout your cycle to observe any differences. You will start to notice that your cervical fluid variations in consistency as you get towards the middle of the cycle. When the cervical fluid becomes clear and stretchy (like raw eggwhites), you are approaching ovulation.

If you are more attracted in a scientific method, you can procure ovulation test kits, a saliva test kit or a fertility monitor. Each of these note changes in your hormones that specify when ovulation is approaching. These techniques are more expensive, but can be very reliable. But it's not the best and tricks to getting pregnant faster with simple and easy method.

Once you have pinpointed when you will be ovulating, you want to time intercourse so that you can have the maximum number of sperm "waiting" when your egg is released. One of the best information on getting pregnant would be to have intercourse every day up through the day of ovulation as soon as you discover your ovulation is approaching through one of the strategies outlined above. The explanation is that the sperm can live for about 5 days inside a woman's body while for the future for the egg to drop. Once ovulation happens the egg only lives for a short time. So having intercourse after you have already ovulated is probably too late! The egg will start to fall to pieces within 12-24 hours of ovulation.

So in finale, if you are searching for tips and simple tricks to getting pregnant faster, focus your efforts on figuring out when you ovulate so that you do not waste the small window of chance to get pregnant that arrives each month. Once you have that figured out, you can time intercourse to maximize your probability of having the most sperm available and "waiting" when the day of ovulation arrives. Good luck!

Beth Kiley is the author of the international best-selling e-book, Personal Path to Pregnancy. For more strategies on getting pregnant, get her FREE report, “The 7 The Majority Common Mistakes To Keep Away From”, by going here Personal Path to Pregnancy